Psalm 121: Helper, Keeper, Preserver: an ode to my Aji

Psalm 121 After the very lengthy 176 reasons in Psalm 119, encouraging the reader to meditate and live according to the Word of God, one comes across a series of short Psalms from 120 to 134. Each of these are like pools of water, placed strategically along our pilgrimage journey of faith and trust, to "help" refresh, renew and restore us. Psalm 121, a very familiar Psalm, is like one such pool. The reader can feel God's embrace surrounding him as he wades deeper into the beauty and assurance of this Psalm. Recently, I visited a stair-well which had several underground floors. As water levels lowered in the surrounding desert area, the seeker would find waters in the deeper levels. Likewise, Psalm 121 takes us to three levels of God's providence and faithfulness for our lives. It reminds us that God is our Helper, Keeper and Preserver. Level 1: God our Helper: "1 I will lift up my eyes to the hills— From whence comes my help? 2 My help comes from the L...